Matte Attack Grey Vinyl Wrap Film (1.5ft x 5ft)


Transform your vehicle with the VViViD+ Matte Attack Grey (Nardo Grey) Vinyl Wrap Adhesive Film. This 1.5ft x 5ft roll features a matte finish, air-release technology, and UV resistance for a durable and stylish upgrade.


Key Features:
1. VViViD materials designed for DIY’ers and professionals
2. Over 200 variations of colors, textures, and finishes available
3. Direct-to-consumer pricing
4. Beginner-friendly wraps
5. Customer protection policies
6. Over 500 hours of video tutorials available
7. Self-healing surface coating
8. Solvent-based acrylic adhesive that won’t damage paint

Technical Specifications:
– Manufacturer: VViViD
– Material: Vinyl
– Adhesive Type: Solvent-based acrylic
– Coating: Hybrid plastisol gel
– Self-healing surface
– Available in various colors, textures, and finishes

Other Information:
– VViViD is an industry leader in vinyl wrapping
– 30+ years of manufacturing experience
– 10+ years of vinyl wrapping experience
– Featured in world-class car shows and events
– Customer feedback-driven product development
– Website for more information on customer protection policies
– Easy to use and install without damaging paint
– Heat gun can be used to repair damage
– Manufacturing process ensures adhesive won’t damage paint


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